Saturday, July 18, 2009

Buffy is the only one who reads my blog...

Is there any doubt why we call him Terd?

Well, destination kitchen sink had a deadline of tomorrow.
Ammm, I barely got to do anything this week.  I just can't get a lot done with the kids around.  I don't get to see them a whole lot, so I've wanted to play with them and enjoy our time together,    
and the kitchen has taken a back seat.

HOWEVER, I do have the hardibacker down for the tiling, and I've run the new Ice Maker water line through the flooring.  Leslie got to put up some primer paint tonight that is tinted toward the color it's going to be, so it's exciting to have some color in that kitchen.  Tiling "could" start tonight, it just depends on how brave I feel.  I'll probably mark out the center line and square it up tonight, then start the giant process tomorrow.  GAAAHHH, once we get this tile in, we are going to theory.

Leslie's getting fed up, and ready to have the house back.  Me too honestly.  What, two months with a bare walled kitchen is too long?  
Shut up.


a modern journey said...

i read your blog too.

Unknown said...

Matt - you gotta start small. I'll pimp your blog on my blog and see if you get some hits. Gotta get the word out.

proud to be the one and only reader...

Unknown said...

Quit complaining about no readers and get back in the kitchen!

Oh wait, is that what men say to women?

No seriously, get in there.

Big said...

Hipsher, thanks for the love!

robin said...

your blog is awesome?