Saturday, November 14, 2009

Opening Day

Leslie took the kids down to Columbia.  The USC women's soccer team won the SEC, and was hosting the first round of the NCAA tourney at the Graveyard.  I would not care at all about this story, nor any other women's sports, except that I'm realizing more and more that my wife was a great athlete, and I mean a great one.  I was a great athlete in my head, she actually was one. 


Today was opening day for Duck Season.  Because Leslie took the kids, I was able to drive to Goldsboro to hunt with Hancock and Tom.  Yes it's a 5 hour drive...but worth it.

I've been here before for hunts, and they've not been spectacular.  But this morning we killed 6 birds, and I shot one of em.  I mean I shot, and so did Tom, but I killed it.  Mallard.  Hen.  so sweet.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to stay up til 130, then get back up at 5am, eat no breakfast or drink any coffee, walk out into the cold water in waders, and stand still for 4 hours.  But I've got to tell you, it's what I'm made to do.

There's something about strapping on camo, lippin' a Grizz, filling your pump action Benelli full of 3 inch shells, watching a 6 month old yellow lab retrieve ducks, and blasting waterfowl next to the fellas.

Deer hunting tonight, then duck hunting again Monday.  Thanks for the man weekend Leslie.